Saturday, June 03, 2006

Eric's Error

This account translated for the records of global destiny. So goes the record:

Fifteen Manchmen surrounded Eric as he stood with his back to the Kilon Ciff. Only two Manch moons earlier he had tried to negotiate his fate, even promising to marry a Manch woman, one with whom he had no knowledge, only that her protruding horns had pointed his direction when his ship’s computer misread its destination and landed on a Manch district rather than connecting with the nearby friendly asteroid X9.

“Your words are but blue fodder in sky, blessed only by a fictions spheroid occupying your blatant empty mind.” Manchmen cluttered their language with putrid adjectives, an act said to derive from the Boild Wars – years of words rather than swords.

Manchman were blinded by poor vision, Boild's own men were ill from galatic dysentery for 20 Arlon years. Hence the war continued.

Little did Eric realize but the woman he had absently (and blindly) proposed to was the daughter of the high priestess of Manch - a vestal virgin (the priestess, not the daughter). He turned to look at the depth of the cliff. His blink almost betrayed him; the bottom was less than a cubit away.

The near sightedness of the Manchman had transformed errant perception into reality. Obviously, no Manchman had dared to scale the cliff much less look over the edge.

"Adieu sweet love,” he cried; then jumped, ducking his head so to be covered by Kilon mud.

Tough words of the blind Manchman echoed over the cliff. "Shame, the fictious mobolite of ten thousand quids affected his miniscule obitor and resulted in such sifiling regrets."

A certain howling of a lonely Manch female joined the chant of the warriors and Eric buried himself deeper in the mud in order to escape the noise.

Although the recording of this report herein is ended, it is well to note, and is so appended, that upon arriving back on Litz, Eric's girlfriend refused to allow him visitation or to accompany her to church until the smell of Kilon mud was purged from his body. Scientific reports state that the odor may remain for years.


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